RAW Mission
RAW = Radical, Authentic and Worldwide. In this podcast you can hear real-life stories from those taking the Good News across the world to the 1.9 billion Muslims who have little or no access to the gospel. The interviews present authentic stories of joy and frustration from ordinary followers of Jesus, with a radical calling to abandon the security and comforts of home. Catch hold of God’s worldwide heart as you hear how they obeyed Jesus’s command to go to all nations — beyond Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria — to the ends of the earth. To connect with us head to www.frontiers.org.uk or email matt@frontiers.org.uk “Missionaries are very human folks, just doing what they are asked. Simply a bunch of nobodies trying to exalt Somebody.” (Jim Elliot) *Please note, many of the locations are unspecified and names have sometimes been changed to protect the identity of the interviewees and their communities.
79 episodes
Overcoming Fear (ft. Jamie Winship)
In this episode Matt interviews Jamie Winship. Jamie tells some amazing stories from when he served in law enforcement in the Washington DC Metropolitan area, including a miraculous revelation during an active kidnapping case. &nbs...
Episode 78
Inviting Muslims To Hear God’s Voice (ft. Donna Winship)
In this episode Matt interviews Donna Winship. She and her husband Jamie spent 25 years living and working in the Muslim world: Indonesia, Iraq & Jordan. In those locations their greatest joy was seeing Muslims discern the voice of ...
Episode 77
The Motorcycle Diaries (Mozambique)
In this episode we meet a couple from Northern Ireland who have been living and working in rural Mozambique amongst the Yawo people for the last 6 years.Johnny and Kathryn tell some fascinating stories of bugs, witchdoctors, curses and t...
Episode 76
Should I Stay or Should I Go?
In this episode Matt talks with an old friend from the earthquake relief work in Pakistan. Andy Kampman grew up in rural Iowa, but in the winter of 2005 he responded to a call to spend a few weeks building shelters in the Pakistani Himal...
Episode 75
Women Who Risk (ft. Joann Doyle)
**WARNING**This episode contains harrowing stories of domestic abuse and suicidal thoughts, so is not suitable for younger children.This episode'sspecial guest is Joann Doyle, co-author of 2 books: Women Who Risk
Episode 74
Fleeing Genocide, Finding Jesus
In this episode we meet 'Jacob', who has served in a very poor part of East Africa with his wife and four kids for more than a decade.The refugees there that they live amongst have suffered terribly from a genocide that has led to the d...
Episode 73
Saunas, Skiing & Spirits (Life in the Caucasus)
**WARNING**This episode contains a harrowing story of domestic abuse, so is not suitable for younger children.In this fascinating and unusual episode Matt talks to 'David & Abigail', a couple who spent many years in the m...
Episode 72
Learning from the Church in Iran (ft. Phil Moore)
This week Phil Moore, church leader and author of the excellent Straight to the Heart Bible Commentary series, joins Matt to discuss his most recent book, called
Episode 71
The Church of the Olive Grove
In this episode we meet Dr. Pat Brittenden.Pat grew up in Algeria, served in Tunisia and has recently completed his PhD on the emerging Muslim-background church of North A...
Episode 70
Dreams & Visions (ft. Tom Doyle)
In this episode Matt chats with special guest Tom Doyle, author of several excellent books: Dreams & Visions, Standing in the Fire and Killing Christians, to name a few.He and his wife, Joann, served in m...
Episode 69
Seeds From the East: The Chinese Missional Impact
This episode is the 3rd one that we have done recently with diaspora immigrants to the West (2nd or 3rd generation) who have gone overseas as church-planters. We’ve had a Nigerian Brit, a South Asian from the USA and now a Canadian of Chine...
Episode 68
A Doctor in India
Dr. T grew up in the USA, but her family is from South Asia and she has several Hindu and Sikh relatives.After becoming a medical doctor and practising in the States, she felt the Lord direct her to using her skills in the 'Muslim world...
Episode 67
Creation Care & Mission
In this episode we meet Dr. Robert Sluka, once a missionary with Frontiers in the Maldive Islands, where his love for oceans, ocean people and marine biology all combined.Bob and Matt discuss integral mission and how caring for the envi...
Episode 66
The Insanity of Obedience (ft. Nik Ripken)
In this episode we hear the story of Nik Ripken.Nik and Ruth spent over 30 years obeying Christ’s command to share Jesus across the globe. After 7 years in Malawi & South Africa, they moved to Nairobi, Kenya to begin work among the ...
Episode 65
A British-Nigerian Missionary to Muslims
In this episode Matt hears from Ola, a Nigerian-Brit who grew up in the UK. Expelled from school, he got caught up in the drug scene in London, before coming to Christ as a young man. He then became a rap artist, before sensing the Lord calling...
Episode 64
The Turkish Tattoo Artist
In this episode Matt talks to Andy McCullough, a church leader and author in the UK who spent many years doing evangelism and church-planting in Turkey/Turkiye. He’ll be sharing about how a fellowship was started in Istanbul throug...
Episode 63
Finding Jesus in Yemen
In this episode you'll hear the story of 'Badr' who describes himself as a fanatical Muslim in his teenage years.Although from a Syrian family, he grew up in Yemen and came to faith when his father (hoping he'd become less fanatical) ga...
Episode 62
Arguments & Apologetics (ft. Dr. Andy Bannister)
In this episode we meet Andy Bannister, Director of Solas. His ministry journey has included several years of engaging with Muslims at Speakers’ Corner in Hyde Park, doing a PhD in Quranic Studies, writing several books on Islam and eva...
Episode 61
The Insanity of God (ft. Ruth Ripken)
In this episode we hear the story of Ruth Ripken.Ruth and her husband, Nik, spent over 30 years obeying Christ’s command to share Jesus across the globe. After 7 years in Malawi & South Africa, they moved to Nairobi, Kenya to begin ...
Episode 60
Witnessing in a Warzone
In this episode we meet Andres, a Latino doctor who spent many years living and working in Kurdistan and now serves in a senior leadership position in Frontiers. What happens when the brother of one of the guys he’s discipling comes...
Episode 59
Monkeys on the Roof
Taken on a trip to Jordan by her father when she was 14 years old, Becky spent time with Palestinian refugees and was deeply impacted by them and the work of the missionaries there. But it was India which captured her heart a few...
Episode 58
Motorcycles & Mission
In this episode we meet John from Canada, an intrepid adventurer turned missionary.In his youth he rode his motorbikes across North America, Europe & the Middle East – most often sleeping under the stars. He had various accidents to...
Episode 57
The Holy Land
The conflict between the Israeli governement and Hamas has surfaced once again these past several months - with the kidnapping of Jewish civilians, the bombardment of Gaza, the terrible loss of life, the constant fear and the international comm...
Episode 56