RAW Mission
RAW Mission
Should I Stay or Should I Go?
In this episode Matt talks with an old friend from the earthquake relief work in Pakistan. Andy Kampman grew up in rural Iowa, but in the winter of 2005 he responded to a call to spend a few weeks building shelters in the Pakistani Himalayas for the thousands who had lost their homes. Those weeks were hugely significant for Andy in terms of growing to love Muslims and wanting to share the good news with them.
Andy shares various stories from times he spent in Bangladesh, Pakistan and Lebanon and how the Lord actually called him to stay in the USA - to motivate, encourage and mobilise others to go to serve amongst the least reached.
Now based in Texas, Andy is part of a church that has, quite amazingly, sent out around 300 long-term workers in the last 15 years!
He also runs an organisation called Launch Global, which prepares and equips workers to thrive on the field and partners with churches to help them send effectively.
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