RAW Mission

Inviting Muslims To Hear God’s Voice (ft. Donna Winship)

Frontiers UK Episode 77

In this episode Matt interviews Donna Winship. She and her husband Jamie spent 25 years living and working in the Muslim world: Indonesia, Iraq & Jordan.

In those locations their greatest joy was seeing Muslims discern the voice of God, enter into the kingdom, be healed and follow Jesus. Donna shares how they learnt so much about faith and mission from their own mistakes, from fellow workers and from painful trials (team-mates in Indonesia who were stabbed, others in Iraq who were shot and killed, a court case against Jamie for breaking Sharia law etc.).

In the midst of it all, they have come to discover their God-given identity and His purpose for them and for the nations, something they now teach others how to do through their ministry called Identity Exchange

Donna also tells how she came to follow Jesus from a Jewish family background, with fascinating insights for those who work with Muslims or Jews. 

NB. This episode contains one harrowing story of sexual violence. In that regard, listener discretion is advised and it will not be suitable for younger children.


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