RAW Mission

Overcoming Fear (ft. Jamie Winship)

Frontiers UK Episode 78

In this episode Matt interviews Jamie Winship.  

Jamie tells some amazing stories from when he served in law enforcement in the Washington DC Metropolitan area, including a miraculous revelation during an active kidnapping case.  

He then goes on to explain how the Lord led him and his wife, Donna, to serve overseas and invite Muslims into the kingdom of God over many years in Indonesia, Iraq and Jordan. 

Jamie argues strongly that we should use biblical terms around the kingdom of God, rather than ‘conversion’ when talking about Muslims coming to Christ. He shares mistakes he himself made in his early years on the field. 

He also shares how the Lord taught him to love his ‘adversaries’, step into obviously dangerous situations (like a car full of Muslim extremists who wanted to execute him) and how to have a godly impact on diaspora Muslims in the West. 

To explore Jamie & Donna’s Identity Exchange ministry and to read Jamie’s book, visit: www.identityexchange.com 


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