RAW Mission

Nomadic Bedouins & Oil-Rich Arabs

Frontiers UK Episode 35

This week we meet 'Keziah', a Californian girl who moved to Jordan to live among poor, illiterate, nomadic Bedouins for 8 years before relocating to the Arabian Peninsular, where God called her and her husband to reach out to highly educated, wealthy elites.

These two different locations meant exchanging a world of sheep, goats and camels for skyscrapers, SUVs and designer clothes. But the task remained the same, to invite Muslims, with love and respect, to follow Jesus the Messiah.

It was a part of the world that she was initially frightened of, based upon the media and films she had been exposed to growing up in the USA. But her love for Arabs and that part of the world grew and grew, as she submitted to God's call on her life and experienced the Middle East for herself.

You'll hear about dreams, wearing the veil, friends who were murdered, an emerging fellowship of believers, a unwelcomed interference by other gospel workers that hindered the growth of the church and much more.

Book & Film recommendation, addressing the big question: "Is He worth it?"
The Insanity of God by Nik Ripken
The Insanity of God Movie


Do get in touch if you have any questions for Matt or for any of his guests.

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