RAW Mission
RAW Mission
Moved to Tears: An American in the Arab World
In this episode Matt catches up with Joe, an old friend who came to help with the shelter-building relief work following the huge Pakistan/Kashmir earthquake in 2005.
Since then, Joe and his family have lived in Pakistan and the Middle East, working among the poor and, over the last several years, with Syrian refugees.
They discuss the negative impact that geopolitics, money and NGO work can have on evangelism and church-planting efforts, the challenge of visa insecurity and the life of transition that many workers have to adjust to.
Joe is someone who combines a deep love for evangelism and church-planting with a life committed to serving the poor and those on the margins of society.
If your heart has been stirred and you'd like to give to one of our teams working with the poor, we always have opportunities available. For example, one team are involved in training and employment for young disabled adults in North Africa. Another team is currently raising funds to build a school and an educational centre (the latter especially focused on helping women to get employment).
Do email partners@frontiers.org.uk if this is something of interest to you.
Do get in touch if you have any questions for Matt or for any of his guests.
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And do check out the free and outstanding 6 week video course for churches and small groups, called MomentumYes:
www.momentumyes.com (USA)
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